Semi volatiles are organic compounds that carry around a high molecular weight. They are also known for causing health problems for humans after exposure. Since semi volatiles are common indoors, they can negatively impact people.

To determine if semi volatile compounds are present in your water or indoor air, testing needs to be done to extract a part of one of these compounds and then have it analyzed for its composition. The testing is done by gas chromatography, as well as mass spectrometry. What the test is looking for are acids, bases, or neutrals that have a high molecular weight and boiling point temperature. A low vapor pressure is also consistent with semi volatiles. Their presence can be found in air, water, soil, and more. If testing is done on these compounds, it can help identify semi volatiles and stop their spread and contamination.


Engineering Performance Solutions, LLC can provide an analysis of semi-volatile organic compounds, sampling them in their natural element and extracting harmful contaminants that could cause health concerns. Our testing can include water samples, solid samples, and gas samples that include the separation of compounds to determine how dangerous these properties are to people.

Contact Engineering Performance Solutions today to find out how we handle semi volatiles analysis. We are experts to trust for routine water testing. We can come back with the accurate results you’re looking for. Call us today to get started. 

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